Become a member (Jade Rewards)
Earn as you spend, redeem vouchers and exclusive members-only items.
How to earn
Aside from earning 1 point for ever $1 spent, here's are other ways on how you can earn points.
Sign up to be a member
50 points
Write a review
50 points
Write a review with a photo
150 points
Follow us on FB & IG
50 points
Celebrate your birthday
80 points
Refer a friend
10% off for you and your friend upon successful referral
How to redeem
Simply log in or click on the rewards tab at the bottom left hand corner of the browser. Once you've earned points, you'll be able to redeem vouchers. Copy the discount code and input it at checkout!
$10 voucher
500 points
$20 voucher
1,200 points
$30 voucher
1,800 points
$50 voucher
3,000 points
Rewards FAQ
How do I become a member?
To register as member, click on the 'Rewards' tab at the bottom left hand corner of the screen and create an account with us.
How do I redeem my points?
Click on the 'Rewards' tab at the bottom lefthand corner of the browser then click on 'Redeem points'. Depending on the number of points you have, you will be able to redeem vouchers from there.
To use the voucher, simply click on the voucher, copy the discount code then input the code at the time of checkout.
How do I view my rewards?
Click on the bottom left of the browser and sign into the 'Rewards' tab. On the landing page, scroll down to review your current rewards.
I wanted to redeem my voucher at checkout...but forgot to!
Hey, don't sweat! As we're not able to amend purchases once they have been made, you will be able to use the voucher on your next purchase.
Is there an expiry for my points?
For vouchers redeemed via the Rewards program, points will expire within 90 days of redemption.
Points accumulated through purchases will have a validity of 365 days.
Please note that we are not able to extend expired points.
Can I use my points at pop ups?
We're working on this! We'll share more once we're able to integrate this across our systems.
Can I earn points from past purchases?
For purchases made within the last two months, we can assist with the adjustment of points. Please drop us an email at hello@justinejewellery with your name, email address and order number.